How Do You Say Kitchen Sink In Spanish?

The kitchen sink in Spanish is called fregadero. A fregadero is the basin that is mounted in a kitchen counter top where dishes and utensils are cleaned. It has a drain and faucet like a sink in English.

Have you ever wondered how to say something in another language? A very common item found in every kitchen is the sink, but how do you say kitchen sink in Spanish? The phrase “How do you say kitchen sink in Spanish?” is asked quite often by those learning the new language.

Learning some basic vocabulary words for items found in the home is useful when visiting a Spanish-speaking country. The kitchen sink is an important fixture, so knowing its name of fregadero in Spanish can help visitors converse more easily about everyday things like cleaning dishes or doing chores. Trying different phrases is a good way to improve pronunciation and practice a new language.

What Is A Kitchen Sink?

A kitchen sink has a bowl shape that is mounted into the countertop. The bowl typically has one or two sections separated by a divider in the middle. Most kitchen sinks have a finish like stainless steel that is easy to clean. They also have a faucet mounted above the bowl to provide running water for washing dishes, vegetables, and hands.

Under the bowl of a kitchen sink is the plumbing and drain system. Pipes connect the faucet to the main water lines of the home. Another pipe leads from the bottom center of the sink to allow water and waste to drain away. This drain pipe is usually fixed in place behind the wall or cabinet under the countertop.

What Does A Kitchen Sink Look Like?

Kitchen sinks come in different shapes, sizes, Turn Off Water Under Kitchen Sink and styles. Most common is a double bowl configuration to allow for washing and rinsing dishes. Within each section is often a lightly textured stainless steel or composite surface to prevent items from slipping. 

Colors are generally neutral like white or gray to blend in with other kitchen appliances and cabinetry. Elongated or rectangular sinks provide more workspace than small round styles. Deep single basin sinks accommodate large pots and pans.

The faucet or spray attachment is located above the sink basin and includes hot and cold knobs or levers to control water flow. Sometimes an additional side sprayer is present for rinsing. Different mounting types include a single-handled pull-down faucet, wall-mounted, or high-arc swivel varieties. 

Materials Are Kitchen Sinks Made From?

Kitchen sinks come in different materials. The most common include stainless steel, fireclay and composite.

Material choice affects cost, durability and aesthetic. Stainless is hygienic while fireclay is affordable.

Let’s compare sink materials in a table:

Material Description Pros Cons
Stainless Steel Naturally antimicrobial metal. Scratch and rust resistant. Hygienic. Long lasting. Most expensive option.
Fireclay Glazed ceramic composite. Inexpensive. Easy to clean. Can chip or crack over time.
Composite Acrylic or polyester blend. Durable. Affordable. Prone to staining.
Cast Iron Dense and poured iron. Very durable if cared for. Heaviest option. Requires maintenance.

This provides an overview of typical kitchen sink materials to consider for durability and value. Proper care extends the lifespan of any material.

Where Is The Kitchen Sink Located?

The kitchen sink is generally installed into the countertop along one wall of the kitchen space. This allows for plumbing and cabinets to be placed below and around the sink. Often the sink is positioned between two sections of cabinetry which provide storage on both sides directly adjacent to the working area. 

Placing the sink near a window also permits natural light over the work surface.In smaller kitchens, combining the sink with an island unit provides working space on multiple sides. Wall-mounted sinks save floor space and open up the area underneath for easier cleaning. 

No matter the size or layout, locating the sink near the kitchen entrance, refrigerator, and cooktop helps support an efficient workflow throughout meal preparation tasks. Proper sink placement optimizes function, accessibility, and use of available counterspace.

How To Say Kitchen Sink In Spanish

How To Say Kitchen Sink In Spanish

The Spanish word for kitchen sink is “fregadero.” This term comes from the verb “fregar” which means to wash by scrubbing or rubbing. In Spanish, it is common for nouns related to cleaning or washing items to derive from verbs with those meanings. Fregadero retains the same function as the English “sink” which is as a basin to wash dishes and cookware in the kitchen.

When having a conversation about kitchen chores or discussing appliances in Spanish, using the word fregadero is appropriate to indicate the basin in the counter where washing occurs. For example, one could ask “¿Dónde está el fregadero?” meaning “where is the kitchen sink located?”. Being familiar with this essential cooking term helps communicate needs and instructions involving food prep tasks.

What Is The Spanish Word For Kitchen Sink?

As mentioned, the direct translation of the English word “kitchen sink” is “fregadero” in Spanish. This noun comes from the verb “fregar” which means to scrub or wash. So fregadero refers specifically to the basin that is used for washing up after meals in the kitchen.

An important part of learning basic household vocabulary is knowing names for common rooms and fixtures. While touring a Spanish-speaking home, asking “¿Dónde está el fregadero?” is an easy way to inquire about the location of the sink rather than using an extended phrase translated from English. Among beginning Spanish students, the question “How do you say kitchen sink in Spanish?” is very frequently asked.

How Do You Pronounce Fregadero?

The word fregadero is pronounced with a hard ‘g’ sound similar to the ending of the English word “finger”. More specifically, the syllables break down as:


Place the emphasis on the second syllable “gah”. And pronounce the ‘r’ with a slight roll like you would in Spanish. Practice saying it out loud a few times—the vowels should flow together smoothly without pausing between each letter. Mastering pronunciation is important when communicating basic terms to native Spanish speakers. Taking the time to learn fregadero correctly from the start helps conversation and comprehension.

Repetition is also helpful to commit the new vocabulary to memory. After learning fregadero means “kitchen sink”, go around your home labeling these items to reinforce auditory and visual association with the Spanish word.

When Would You Use Fregadero In Spanish?

As a noun, fregadero is used any time you need to specifically refer to the sink found in a kitchen. This includes

  • Asking or giving directions to locate the kitchen sink such as “¿Dónde está el fregadero?”
  • Discussing washing dishes, pots, or vegetables by doing them “en el fregadero.”
  • Mentioning cleaning or doing chores like “Lavé los platos en el fregadero.”
  • Referring to the kitchen sink appliance such as “El fregadero es muy útil para preparar comidas.”

You can also use fregadero when translating sentences from English to Spanish that involve the kitchen sink contextually. Generally, whenever the equivalent of a kitchen sink plays a role, substitute the word fregadero naturalmente. With practice, it will become easy to incorporate into Spanish conversations about cooking, cleaning, and home tasks.

Can Fregadero Refer To Sinks Outside The Kitchen?

While fregadero most commonly refers to the sink that is located in a kitchen, in some contexts it could possibly describe sinks found in other areas of the home as well. However, when speaking specifically about a non-kitchen sink, it would be more precise to use other words.

For sinks placed in bathrooms, the appropriate term is “lavabo”. For a utility sink in the laundry room, “fregadero de lavandería” or just “lavadero” would be better choices. And outdoor sinks for gardening tasks could be called “lavamanos exterior”.

So in summary – fregadero primarily means a kitchen sink. But on occasion, if the location is made clear through context clues, it could potentially refer to other household sinks located say in a laundry room. For precision though, it’s best to learn and use the specific Spanish words for bathroom sinks, outdoor sinks, and other non-kitchen varieties. Communication will be clearer that way.

Using Kitchen Sink In A Sentence In Spanish

To ask where the kitchen sink is located, you can say “¿Dónde está el fregadero?”. Another example would be “Por favor, pon los platos sucios en el fregadero” which means “please put the dirty dishes in the sink.” You can also say “Lavo los vegetales en el fregadero” or “I wash the vegetables in the sink.” Using vocabulary like fregadero in simple sentences to describe common tasks helps practice the language.

Familiarize yourself with basic action words too since they are useful for kitchen sink context. For instance, tener means “to have” so you could ask “¿Tienes fregadero?” meaning “do you have a kitchen sink?”. Practicing these types of everyday questions and statements will build familiarity.

How Can I Ask For The Location Of The Kitchen Sink?

To ask where the kitchen sink is located in Spanish, you say “¿Dónde está el fregadero?”. Using the word “location” would translate to “ubicación” so another way to phrase it is “¿Cuál es la ubicación del fregadero?”. 

You can also use “Dígame” meaning “tell me” for a more formal request – “Dígame la ubicación del fregadero, por favor”. Being able to ask simple questions like this about places in the home is essential when visiting Spanish speaking friends or traveling abroad.

You could also inquire about the placement of the sink, using “¿Dónde se encuentra el fregadero?” which literally means “where is the kitchen sink found?”. Mastering several ways to ask makes communication clearer in case someone doesn’t understand one version. With practice, kitchen sink questions will become natural in Spanish.

What Other Questions Can I Ask About The Kitchen Sink?

Besides asking its location, there are many other things you can inquire about una fregadero in Spanish. Examples include

  • “¿De qué material es el fregadero?” – What material is the kitchen sink made of?
  • “¿Tiene el fregadero dos compartimientos?” – Does the kitchen sink have two compartments?
  • “¿Dónde están los grifos del fregadero?” – Where are the faucets of the kitchen sink?
  • “¿Cómo de grande es el fregadero?” – How big is the kitchen sink?
  • “¿Funciona bien el desagüe del fregadero?” – Is the kitchen sink drain working well?

Taking a few minutes to think of other common sink features and practice asking and answering sample queries is helpful for conversation skills. Have fun learning together through kitchen sink dialogue!

Learning Kitchen Sink Vocabulary

Besides fregadero itself, there are many related words to expand vocabulary. Some common items near a sink include platos or vasos which refer to dishes and glasses. Cubiertos covers utensils like cucharas (spoons), tenedores (forks), and cuchillos (knives). 

Fruteros hold fruit while botellas contain things like shampoo. Towels or estropajos aid drying. Aspersores assist rinsing. Materiales de limpieza are cleaning supplies found in a drawer or cabinet underneath the sink area as well. Mastering these associated terms enriches discussions.

Practicing new Spanish vocabulary through simple repetition and example sentences around the kitchen sink theme helps commit words to long-term memory. Using fun actions like pretending to wash dishes while naming items out loud makes studying engaging for learners of all ages. Combined with the essential question words, numerous short conversations emerge for improving conversation skills.

What Other Items Are Found Around The Kitchen Sink?

Common objects located near the kitchen sink include sponges, brushes, soap, towels and dishes. In Spanish:

  • Esponjas – Sponges
  • Cepillos – Brushes
  • Jabón – Soap
  • Toallas – Towels
  • Platos – Dishes

You may also find utensils, glassware and containers in the sink area. Some related vocabulary is:

  • Cubiertos – Utensils (forks, knives, spoons)
  • Vasos – Glasses
  • Tazas – Cups
  • Ollas – Pots
  • Sartenes – Pans
  • Frascos – Containers

Learning these associated item words in addition to fregadero aids communication about doing dishes, cooking tasks and cleaning chores in the kitchen. Mastering related vocabulary sets makes expressing yourself in Spanish much easier.

Learning Kitchen Sink Vocabulary

The Spanish word for dishes is “los platos”. This applies to the actual dinnerware used for serving and eating such as plates, bowls and serving dishes. Practice making the rolled ‘r’ sound at the end of platos.

Faucet translates to “grifo” in Spanish. This refers to the mechanism that controls flowing water from a sink, tub or shower. Be sure to pronounce the ‘g’ with a hard ‘g’ sound.

The drain in a kitchen sink is called “desagüe” which breaks down as ‘de-sa-GUE-eh’ with emphasis on the second syllable. It comes from the verb ‘desaguar’ meaning ‘to drain out liquid.’

Continue finding synonyms and related terms to expand your kitchen sink vocabulary. Review new words frequently with interactive activities like setting a Spanish kitchen scene with appliances, dishes and items labeled. Imagining real life uses helps cement linguistic and cultural understanding.

Tips For Using Kitchen Sink Terms In Spanish

Tips For Using Kitchen Sink Terms In Spanish

When discussing tasks around the kitchen sink, use informal vocabulary with friends and family. For example, refer to plates as “platos” instead of “los platos de mesa”.

With new acquaintances, opt for slightly more formal terms by adding articles like “el fregadero” rather than just “fregadero”.

Look for opportunities to incorporate new kitchen sink words into casual conversation. Commenting on cooking tasks, appliances or chores provides natural chances to practice.

Rather than translating directly from English, think about what native Spanish speakers would naturally say. For example, they ask “¿Dónde está el fregadero?” not “Where is located the kitchen sink?”.

Don’t worry about imperfect pronunciation initially. Spaniards will appreciate an interest in their language and culture. Focus on communicating respectfully with comprehension and smiles.

Tips For Using Kitchen Sink Terms In Spanish

When having a kitchen sink conversation in Spanish, go slowly and enunciate words clearly. Native speakers will appreciate the effort to communicate in their language. Using simple sentences and common vocabulary helps discussion. 

Do not worry about mistakes as interview practice improves skills. Rephrasing with synonyms prevents reliance on just one phrase. With a friendly smile, practice makes conversations more natural over time.

To have a kitchen sink chat in Spanish, focus on just a few key points to start. Build confidence first before adding extra details. Speak a bit louder and slower than normal so the other person understands easily. Ask them to repeat if you did not catch something the first time. Together you can have an enjoyable dialogue!

What Are Some Tips For Kitchen Sink Conversation In Spanish?

Some additional tips for kitchen sink conversations in Spanish include listening attentively when others speak. Nodding encourages the other person to share more. When it is your turn, pause before responding to think through your reply. 

Maintain comfortable eye contact with a smile. Keep hands visible for emphasis but avoid wild gestures which may feel aggressive. Relax and have fun with the exchange rather than stressing over mistakes. Through practice, talking about daily routines in a new language becomes easier.

You can also improve conversations skills by asking follow up questions for clarification or to learn more. For example “¿Cómo se usa el fregadero típicamente en tu país?” Phrases like “Explícame por favor” politely prompt explanation if something was unclear. Being an engaged listener who maintains an open and curious attitude helps build strong communication skills.

How Can I Improve My Kitchen Sink Vocabulary?

Here are some methods for boosting kitchen sink vocabulary

  • Use flashcards with words on one side and translations on the back to study new terms. Quiz yourself regularly.
  • Write sentences using target vocabulary and read aloud. Record your voice to compare to a native Spanish speaker.
  • Study with an app or online program that includes audio of terms pronounced correctly. Practice repetition.
  • Immerse yourself further by watching Spanish language cooking shows or YouTube videos about kitchens.
  • Make vocabulary boxes with images to cut out and organize. Sketch scenes incorporating several items.
  • Teach new words to a friend or family member. Explaining terms to others cements your own understanding.
  • Try incorporating one new kitchen sink term each day into conversations. Frequent active use is the best way to learn.

When Should I Use Formal Vs. Informal Terms?

When speaking to close family and friends in a casual environment, the informal or familiar forms of address are appropriate. For example, using “fregadero” instead of “el fregadero”.

In professional interactions or with new acquaintances, the formal register shows respect. References to the kitchen sink would include the definite article “el” like “el fregadero”.

With elder relatives, you likely cannot go wrong choosing formal terms from the start. Taking time to understand cultural norms will ensure smooth communication.

At the supermarket or shops, the formal level allows for polite interactions with customer service workers.

Pay attention to cues from the other speaker such as pronouns like “tu” vs “usted” to match their preferred formality. Practice both so you can adapt the setting.

What Kitchen Sink Synonyms Or Variations Exist?

While fregadero refers specifically to a kitchen sink, there are some related terms

  • La pileta – Used especially in Latin America for a deep sink.
  • El lavabo – Can refer to sinks in other locations like bathrooms.
  • El lavamanos – Another general term for any indoor sink.
  • El lavaplatos – More literal translation of “dishwasher” but also used for large industrial sinks.
  • El lavaropas – Washing machine that also does large sinks of clothes.
  • El sumidero – The drain component itself.
  • El grifo – The faucet handle part.

Knowing synonyms provides vocabulary flexibility. Regional variations like Latin American Spanish may use different common words as well. Continuing lessons expands familiarity with options.

Frequently Asked Question

El Fregadero De La Cocina

Lavabo de cocina

Common Ways To Refer To A Kitchen Sink

Fregadero and lavabo are both commonly used terms for kitchen sink in Spanish. Fregadero is more literal translation of sink.

Sink Material Terms

Porcelain – Porcelana

Stainless steel – Acero inoxidable

Composite – Composite

Requesting Assistance At Hardware Store

¿Dónde encuentro fregaderos de cocina? Quisiera ver sus opciones de fregaderos e instalación.

Cooking Vessel Cleaning

¿Dónde lavo mis ollas y sartenes? En el fregadero/lavabo de la cocina, por supuesto.


The main terms used to say “kitchen sink” in Spanish are fregadero and lavabo. Both words directly translate aspects of a kitchen sink. Fregadero refers more to the actual sink bowl itself, akin to calling it a sink in English. Lavabo focuses on its purpose of washing, rinsing and cleaning dishes and cookware. 

In conclusion, whether shopping at a hardware store, giving cooking instructions or talking about plumbing, remembering that fregadero and lavabo denote a “kitchen sink” will help communicate effectively in Spanish. Understanding these simple Spanish terms can assist with tasks in the kitchen when visiting Spanish-speaking countries or conversing with Spanish speakers.

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