How To Say Kitchen Sink In Spanish?

El fregadero de la cocina es una frase en español que se refiere al lavabo o sumidero en la cocina donde se lavan los platos y se realiza la limpieza. Es una expresión comúnmente utilizada para describir un objeto básico y fundamental en la cocina.

Are you struggling to communicate effectively in Spanish when it comes to everyday items like your kitchen sink? Understanding how to say “kitchen sink” in Spanish is essential for navigating conversations about household chores or renovations. Don’t let language barriers hold you back – let’s dive into how to express “kitchen sink” in Spanish, opening doors to seamless communication and cultural exchange.

Learning how to express everyday items like the kitchen sink in Spanish can enhance your language skills and cultural understanding. In Spanish, you would say “fregadero de la cocina” when referring to the kitchen sink. Understanding these translations facilitates smoother communication and integration in Spanish-speaking environments.

Understanding Common Kitchen Items

The kitchen is where meals are prepared. Many tools are used in the kitchen. A kitchen sink is an important part of the kitchen. Sinks are used to wash dishes and cleaning. Knowing basic items makes the kitchen easier to use.

Sinks come in different styles. They can be built into counters or standalone. No matter the type, sinks all serve the purpose of cleaning. It is good to identify common appliances when visiting another home.

Is A Kitchen Sink

A kitchen sink is a plumbing fixture found in kitchens. Its purpose is to wash dishes, Say Kitchen Sink In Spanish food, and hands. Sinks fit into countertops and have basin to hold water. Faucets with handles control water flow.

Made from various materials, sinks must be durable. Stainless steel and cast iron are common choices. They withstand heat and wear from daily use. Color and material choice depends on a home’s style.

Purpose Of A Kitchen Sink

The primary function of a kitchen sink is for washing dishes and kitchen utensils. After cooking foods, pots, pans and dishes are placed in the sink basin to be scrubbed clean. Sinks are also used for preparing foods like washing vegetables.

Kitchen sinks are a convenient spot for initial food preparation as well. Tasks like thawing meats or seafood can take place in the sink basin. Spills on countertops are easily rinsed into the sink for easy cleanup.

Parts Of A Kitchen Sink

A kitchen sink consists of several key parts. The basin is the main bowl that holds water. Deep basins allow for more items to be cleaned at once. Strainers catch food scraps so pipes do not clog.

Faucets include hot and cold knobs. Some have a third knob for adding soap. Drainboards on each side provide space for rinsed items. Traps beneath direct used water away from the home.

Materials Used In Kitchen Sinks

Stainless steel is a very durable material that is easy to clean. It will not rust or stain like other metals. Cast iron sinks are heavy-duty but can be more expensive. Enameled cast iron combines strength with a non-porous surface.

Composite sinks look like granite but are lightweight. They do not conduct heat as much as metals. Drop-in or undersink models also come in several colors to complement a kitchen’s style. Choosing a material based on budget and needs ensures years of use.

Cleaning And Maintaining The Kitchen Sink

It is important to clean the kitchen sink daily or after each use. Scrape off any food particles and use a mild cleaner or baking soda. For tougher builds, use a soft brush or sponge with cleaner. Rinse well and dry completely.

Once a week, disinfect the sink by filling the basin with a 1:1 mixture of water and white vinegar. Soak for 5 minutes before rinsing. At least monthly, clean under the sink by removing any gunk from the drain trap. Minor scratches can be polished out with a metal or granite cleaner as needed. Proper care keeps sinks looking their best.

How Do You Say Kitchen Sink In Spanish?

The Spanish translation for kitchen sink is “fregadero de cocina”. It is a short phrase made of two words that combine for an easy translation.

To pronounce kitchen sink in Spanish, say fre-gah-deh-ro day co-chee-na. Be sure to roll the “R” sounds slightly and emphasize the bolded syllables as in typical Spanish phrases.

Is The Spanish Translation For Kitchen Sink

The direct translation of kitchen sink to Spanish is “fregadero de cocina”. Fregadero translates to the sink or basin part specifically. De cocina means “of the kitchen”, locating it in that room of the house.

Together “fregadero de cocina” describes this utility item perfectly in the same way kitchen sink does in English. The words are short and simple, making it very easy to remember and use correctly in conversation.

You Pronounce Kitchen Sink In Spanish

To pronounce “fregadero de cocina” correctly in Spanish, break it into syllables. “Fre” is pronounced like the English word “free”. “Ga” sounds like the a in “car”. “De” sounds like the e in “bed”.

“Co” is like the o in “go”. “Chi” is like the ch sounds in “church”. “Na” can be said like the ña in “España”. Be sure to roll the r sounds slightly as in typical Spanish pronunciation.

Stressing the bolded syllables helps it flow naturally: fre-GA-de-ro day co-CHEE-na. With a little practice, you’ll be able to say kitchen sink smoothly in Spanish.

You Use The Spanish Term For Kitchen Sink

There are several occasions when knowing how to say kitchen sink in Spanish could be useful. If staying with a Spanish-speaking host, you may need to ask where the “fregadero de cocina” is located.

While grocery shopping, you could point out which cleaning products are meant for use on non-porous sink surfaces. Describing kitchen details to friends back home would call for this phrase as well.

Understanding how to translate simple household items fosters better cultural exchange. Being able to say kitchen sink in Spanish demonstrates an willingness to engage respectfully in another language and culture.

Examples Of Using Kitchen Sink In Spanish Sentences

Here are some example sentences using the Spanish phrase for kitchen sink

  • “¿Dónde está el fregadero de cocina?” – “Where is the kitchen sink?”
  • “Lava los platos en el fregadero de cocina.” – “Wash the dishes in the kitchen sink.”
  • “El fregadero de cocina necesita una limpieza.” – “The kitchen sink needs cleaning.”
  • “Deja tus vegetales en el fregadero de cocina.” – “Leave your vegetables in the kitchen sink.”
  • “El jabón de gripe es bueno para el fregadero de cocina de acero inoxidable.” – “Dish soap works well for stainless steel kitchen sinks.”

Spanish Words Are Related To The Kitchen Sink

Other words associated with kitchen sinks include plumbing terms. Knowing these can help describe problems clearly. Verbs are needed to discuss sink use too. Descriptive adjectives let users convey its condition accurately.

Related vocabulary like drain and faucet expand one’s ability to converse about the room. Familiar household objects begin with key nouns then build from there.

Plumbing Terms Associated With The Kitchen Sink

Plumbing terms include “desagüe” which means the drain pipe. The P-trap under the sink is called a “sifón”. This bent pipe prevents odors from rising back inside.

When a drain clogs, the term is “taponamiento”. Using a plunger or “desatascar” tool can loosen clogs in the “desagüe”. Knowing such words can help in DIY repairs.

Verbs Related To Using The Kitchen Sink

Common verbs for sink use include “lavar” which means to wash. After cooking, plates may need “enjuagar” or rinsing. When done, items can “escurrir” or drain dry on the sink edges.

When food odors persist, a sink may need “restregar” which means scouring with a scrubber. Cleansers are “fregar” onto its surfaces monthly to keep it shining.

Adjectives To Describe The Kitchen Sink

Useful adjectives include “sucio” for a dirty sink full of stains. A shiny sink is “limpio”. One may describe a basin that holds water well as “capacioso”.

For care advice, a scratched surface could be “rayado”. Rust spots signify an “oxidado” sink needs treatment. Descriptive language clarifies conditions.

Phrases Involving The Kitchen Sink

Some common phrases include “junto al fregadero” meaning beside or near the sink. Dishes may be left “en el fregadero” after washing.

A home task could involve “limpiar el fregadero” which translates to cleaning the sink. Kitchen conversations use these types of contextual phrases.

Can Learning Kitchen Sink In Spanish Be Useful?

Yes, learning vocabulary like “kitchen sink” in Spanish can certainly be useful. Knowing basic home terms improves communication skills for visiting Spanish speaking friends or traveling abroad.

Being able to discuss daily living essentials fosters cultural exchange and understanding between language speakers. Even simple phrases demonstrate a willingness to engage respectfully.

Benefits Of Knowing Basic Spanish Home Terms

5 easy, short benefits of knowing basic Spanish home terms

  • Feel more comfortable visiting Spanish-speaking friends and family. Being able to point out and describe common household items makes interactions more natural.
  • Better navigate unfamiliar homes. Knowing terms for rooms, furniture, and appliances allows you to ask for what you need when visiting a new place.
  • Discuss daily routines and tasks. Verbs help talk about chores, cooking, and activities that take place inside the home.
  • Understand instructions. Keywords aid comprehension for things like assembly directions or recipe procedures.
  • Build vocabulary foundation. Basic house terms introduce context for expanding language skills over time through continued use and practice. Mastering the simple terms empowers further learning.

Situations Where Kitchen Sink May Come In Handy

If a pipe leak occurs below the sink, being able to say “fregadero” helps explain the problem clearly. Cooking for friends requires discussing prep areas.

Visiting hardware stores to buy cleaner lets one point out the correct shopping aisle. Simple life tasks offer chances to use new vocabulary learned.

Best Ways To Remember Words Like Kitchen Sink

Seeing words in contextual example sentences is helpful. Repeated reading aloud cements proper pronunciation. Imagining the object being described also strengthens recall.

Casual conversation practice applies learning immediately. Interactive apps, games, and videos make memorization fun too. Consistent review keeps vocabulary skills improving.

Resources For Learning More Spanish Kitchen Vocabulary

Books containing illustrated room diagrams show object placement. YouTube cooking videos use authentic kitchen talk.

Language exchange Meetup groups provide conversation partners. Taking an intro cooking class immerses students in targeted nouns. Mobile apps deliver quick, bite-sized lessons anywhere.

These engaging, multisensory methods motivate learners at any stage. Combining a few suits different learning styles.

Improve My Spanish Home Vocabulary

In addition to kitchen sink, focus on other common home items by room. Terms for living room furniture, bathroom fixtures plus garden/yard words are practical.

Verbs like “dormir” (to sleep) relate to bedrooms. Learning foods, baking and appliances expands cooking vocabulary. Irregular verbs should be learned through examples too.

Practice describing full rooms to work on more complex sentences. Immerse in the language daily through media, classes or language exchanges online. Consistent study actively builds expanded skills.

More Common Household Object Terms To Know

Term Definition Short Sentence
Oven An appliance used for baking and cooking food The oven is where I baked the cake.
Microwave An appliance that cooks or heats food using microwave radiation I warmed up leftovers in the microwave.
Fridge/Refrigerator An appliance used to cool and store food The fridge keeps milk and other foods cold.
Stove/Cooktop A freestanding appliance with burners used for cooking food I boiled water on the stove to make pasta.
Dishwasher An appliance for cleaning dishes automatically The dishes go into the dishwasher after meals.
Toaster A small appliance used to toast bread I used the toaster to make toast for breakfast.
Sink A basin located in a kitchen or bathroom used for washing dishes or hands I rinsed veggies in the kitchen sink.
Cabinets Cupboards used for storing kitchen items like dishes and food The glasses are stored in the cabinet above the sink.
Countertop A working surface in a kitchen above the cabinets I chopped veggies on the granite countertop.

Rooms Of The Home In Spanish

Major rooms include living room “sala”, kitchen “cocina”, dining room “comedor”, bedrooms “dormitorios”, and bathrooms “baños”.

Other common rooms are the garage “cochera”, attic “buhardilla”, basement “sótano”, laundry room “cuarto de lavado” and yard/garden “patio/jardín”.

Be able to ask for any room location like “¿Dónde está la cocina?” to easily navigate unfamiliar homes.

Furniture And Appliance Words

Furniture like couch “sofa”, armchair “sillón”, coffee table “mesa de café” and television “televisor” relate to the family room.

Common appliances seen in a house are dishwasher “lavaplatos”, microwave “microondas” and blender “licuadora”. Vocabulary expands touring virtual home layouts.

Verbs For Daily Home Activities

Usual daily activities have verbs too. For example, one can “lavar la ropa” for laundry, “limpiar la casa” for cleaning and “cocinar la cena” to cook dinner.

Verbs link essential actions to nouns. Being able to apply various verbs shows high understanding across contexts.

Frequently Asked Question

How Do Mexicans Say Kitchen Sink?

In Mexican Spanish, the term for “kitchen sink” is fregadero de cocina.

How Do You Say Sink In Spanish?

Sink in Spanish is ‘lavabo’ or ‘fregadero’.

What Is Another Name For Kitchen Sink?

Another name for kitchen sink is “washbasin” or simply “sink.”

How Do You Say Kitchen Sink In Spanish Chile?

¿Cómo se dice ‘kitchen sink’ en español en Chile?


kitchen sink is an essential fixture in every household. It serves multiple purposes, from dishwashing to food preparation, making it indispensable in the kitchen. Understanding how to say kitchen sink in Spanish can facilitate effective communication, especially in diverse communities or while traveling.

In Spanish, kitchen sink translates to “fregadero de cocina.” Knowing this term allows for seamless interaction, whether seeking assistance in a hardware store or discussing household essentials with Spanish speakers. Mastering basic vocabulary like this enhances cultural understanding and enriches language skills.

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