Panera Bread Kitchen Sink Cookie

A Kitchen Sink Cookie is a type of cookie that includes a variety of ingredients, typically anything one might find in a kitchen pantry, such as chocolate chips, nuts, oats, and even pretzels or potato chips. The name “kitchen sink” implies that everything but the kitchen sink is thrown into the recipe, resulting in a rich and diverse flavor profile.

Are you craving a delicious treat that’s packed with all your favorite flavors? Look no further than the Panera Bread Kitchen Sink Cookie! Indulge in a mouthwatering combination of chocolate chips, nuts, oats, and more, all baked into one irresistible cookie. Treat yourself today and experience the ultimate satisfaction of the Panera Bread Kitchen Sink Cookie.

The Panera Bread Kitchen Sink Cookie is a delectable dessert offering from Panera Bread. Packed with a variety of ingredients like chocolate chips, nuts, and oats, it delivers a satisfyingly sweet and crunchy experience in every bite. Enjoy the rich flavors and textures of this indulgent treat today at your nearest Panera Bread bakery.

Infamous Panera Bread Kitchen Sink Cookie

The Panera Bread Kitchen Sink Cookie is widely known for its massive size and variety of mix-ins. This cookie originally started as a seasonal offering but became so popular that it is now available year-round. Customers keep coming back to Panera just to enjoy this oversized treat.

The Kitchen Sink Cookie stretches over 5 inches in diameter. It is packed with chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, toasted coconut, red and green diced dried fruit. Panera had to develop a special baking method to prevent the cookie from becoming too dense with all the add-ins.

Panera Bread Kitchen Sink Cookie

A Panera Kitchen Sink Cookie contains everything but the kitchen sink. It includes chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, toasted coconut, Unclog The Kitchen Sink and dried cranberries and citrus pieces. The long list of mix-ins is what gives this cookie its unique taste and texture.

Bakers at Panera carefully measure out the proper ratio of each ingredient to ensure it is evenly distributed throughout the giant cookie. Too much or too little of any one item could throw off the balance of flavors.

Actually Contain A Kitchen Sink

 5 short tips on how the Panera Kitchen Sink Cookie does not actually contain a kitchen sink

  • No real sinks. The name is just a fun way to describe the many mix-ins. Adding an actual kitchen sink would be unsanitary and unsafe.
  • Made of food-grade ingredients. Only edible items like dough, chocolate chips and dried fruit are used. No plumbing or hardware from a sink go into the cookie.
  • Baked in an oven. Sinks are for washing dishes, not baking treats. The cookies rise and set during commercial bakery oven times and temperatures.
  • Passed health inspections. Strict rules ensure food safety. Inspectors would shut down any bakery putting non-edible objects in cookies sold to customers.
  • Just a play on words. Comparing the mix-ins piled in “like a sink” created a catchy name without needing an actual basin. It stuck and became famous thanks to the tasty cookies!

While fun to imagine, real sinks have no place in Panera’s popular pastries. The name only refers to the bounty of blended flavors – not actual plumbing bits. It’s all about the yummy cookie!

Did It Get Its Unique Name

The Panera Kitchen Sink Cookie got its name because it contains so many different chips, chunks, and dried fruits – similar to all the items piled in a kitchen sink. When it was first introduced, the marketing team wanted an attention-grabbing name.

They settled on “Kitchen Sink” because it perfectly captured the abundant mix-ins and almost chaotic combination of flavors inside each giant baked good. Patrons instantly understood there would be no shortage of ingredients upon their first bite.

An Overview Of All The Ingredients

The main ingredients in a Kitchen Sink Cookie are white chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, semisweet chocolate chips, coconut flakes, and dried cranberries. There are also touches of citrus peel for extra flavor.

In total there are about 9 different mix-ins that go into each cookie. Panera bakers carefully portion them out to ensure an even distribution of tastes and textures with each bite. The long ingredient list delivers intense flavor.

Tasting All The Flavors In One Bite

With every bite of the Panera Kitchen Sink cookie, customers get a new flavor experience. One moment they taste chocolate, the next is coconut or a tart cranberry. Sometimes multiple tastes explode in the mouth together.

The ever-changing flavor profile is part of the fun and surprise. No two bites are exactly the same with so many mix-ins mingling on the tongue. It’s a true kitchen sink full of tastes in every giant, cakey cookie.

Kitchen Sink Overwhelmingly Sweet


When customers first see the mountain of mix-ins piled high in each Kitchen Sink Cookie, they assume it will be overly sweet. However, Panera bakers found the right balance.

The cakey cookie base and mix of ingredients like coconut provide contrast to the sugary chips and fruit. While certainly a treat, the cookie stops short of being cloying. Each flavor shines through distinctly instead of blending into a homogenous lump of sweetness.

Live Up To Its Name Of Being A “Sink Full Of Cookies”

Standing tall at 5 inches wide, the Panera Kitchen Sink Cookie truly lives up to its moniker. It’s a massive baked mound that could almost fill a modest sized kitchen sink.

Generous handfuls of mix-ins are packed into the cakey dough so densely that the cookie has its own gravity. One giant confection contains about 2-3 normal sized cookies worth of dough, chips and fruits. It’s as much of a feast for the eyes as it is for the taste buds!

Finding The Right Balance Of Different Chips, Chocolate Chunks And Dried Fruit

Developing the Panera Kitchen Sink Cookie wasn’t easy. Bakers had to test many formulations to get the balance of sweet and salty, crunchy and chewy just right.

Too much of any one element would overpower the others. It took many recipes and sample tastings before they arrived at the current mix of 9 primary ingredients. Now customers can enjoy distinct tastes of chocolate, coconut, cranberries and more with every bite.

Customers Feel About The Various Flavors Mixed Together

Reactions to the motley mix of flavors in the Kitchen Sink Cookie are universally positive. While such a hodgepodge of ingredients may seem chaotic, they actually blend together seamlessly.

Most patrons are pleasantly surprised by how well the assortment of chocolate, coconut, dried fruit and other add-ins meld. None of the distinctive tastes overwhelm the rest. It’s the ultimate cookie for those seeking an adventure in flavors.

Kitchen Sink Cookie Too Rich Or Just Right

Many worry the Kitchen Sink Cookie would be too dense and rich with its overflowing mix-ins. However, Panera found the perfect ratio of additions to dough. The fluffy baked good does not feel thick or heavy on the stomach. In fact, the balance makes the colossal cookie highly enjoyable without leaving customers in a sugar coma.

The table below shows the ratio used:

Ingredient Percentage of Total Cookie
Cookie Dough 55%
Mix-Ins (Chips, Fruit, Etc) 45%

By using under half its bulk for mix-ins, Panera ensured the Kitchen Sink Cookie came together light and airy versus way too dense or sweet. Finding this golden ratio is what makes it not too rich, but just right for pleasing patrons’ taste buds and stomachs alike.

Bits Stand Out The Most In The Cookie

Certain mix-ins tend to stand out more than others in the Panera Kitchen Sink Cookie. The chocolate chips have a bold flavor that carries through each bite. Cranberries are also very noticeable thanks to their tart pop of flavor.

Coconut and butterscotch chips blend in more subtly with the dough. Their flavors are present but not as pronounced front-and-center like the chocolate or cranberries. Each ingredient contributes to the overall taste profile.

Chocolate Chips Or Fruit The Dominating Flavors

Most people find that the chocolate chips deliver the biggest hit of flavor in each cookie. Their intense cocoa taste really drives the experience. Cranberries offer a bright note amongst the sweetness.

However, both fruits and chips meld together harmoniously. Nothing overpowers the other elements. Investigative bites are needed to distinguish the nuances between each mix-in type. They form a balanced symphony of tastes.

People Have Favorite Or Least Favorite Mix-Ins

Regulars often cite the chocolate chips and dried cranberries as their favorite parts of the cookie. The boldest flavors are beloved. Coconut gets mixed reviews—some adore its texture, others find it mild.

A few people dislike receiving sour citrus peel bits but the cookie is about experiencing it all. Most feel the blend of ingredients is greater than any one alone. Variety ensures interest with every new mouthful.

Texture Of Each Ingredient Affect The Bite

Chewier chocolate chips and coconut provide an intriguing contrast to the more brittle cookie dough and dried fruit. Cranberries pop between the teeth.

This interplay of textures—crisp, chewy, light and airy—enhances the indulgence. Unique sensations with each component keep nibbling compelling from first bite to last crumb.

Cookie Need More Or Less Of Specific Items

Most feel the current ratios of ingredients in Panera’s signature treat hit the perfect balance. Still, some would increase coconut flakes for more fun chewiness or add bigger chocolate chunks for extra decadence.

More strongly flavored patrons want bolder bursts of citrus or cranberries too. Overall the cookie formula pleases the majority though and doesn’t require adjustment in sizes of any elements.

Size Of The Panera Bread Kitchen Sink Cookie Matter

At a hefty 5 inches wide, the Kitchen Sink Cookie is simply enormous. Its oversized stature draws eyes like a beacon from across the café. Part of the sensation is consuming such a massive baked good.

However, its colossal cookies may deter some patrons. The super-sized Confection is a serious commitment unlike a small, casual sweet. Its magnitude is both alluring and potentially off-putting.

Too Big To Finish In One Sitting

Yes, the extra-large Panera cookie is frankly a challenge to consume in one sitting unless dining with others to share. Its mountainous proportions easily split into multiple portions.

Still, customers flock to try finishing a whole cookie anyway just for bragging rights. Those who take the task seriously need milk and other coffee break refreshments to see it through bite-by-bite until the final crumbs.

Good Value For The Portion Size

At around $4, the immense cookie delivers excellent value. Its volume and ample mix-ins outclass lesser cookies one could buy for the same price. Panera ensures portions feel generous yet remain reasonably priced for all patrons.

This quality and quantity combo makes the Kitchen Sink Cookie worth the expense for most on special occasion visits or day making treats. It satisfies both the stomach and the wallet.

Customers Wish It Came In Smaller Versions Also

Many patrons, while enticed by the giant presentation, find the Kitchen Sink Cookie too voluminous to realistically consume solo in one sitting. They’d welcome a smaller personal-sized version for simple enjoyment.

Having mini cookie options might open the indulgence to those deterred or unable to take on the behemoth bake. Scaling it down could let more people partake without implications on portion control.

Giant Size Impact Enjoyment Of The Cookie

Its oversized stature makes the Panera cookie an “event” that heightens the experience. Customers savor breaking off manageable bites and making it last versus scarfing a compact cookie.

Colossal scale intensifies the sense of occasion. Children especially delight in the playful enormity of it all before settling in to their bites of blended flavors. The jumbo size adds undeniable fun and satisfaction.

Panera Bread Kitchen Sink Cookie Become So Popular


The novel concept of mixing a crazy amount of add-ins captured attention immediately. Unusual name and epic size stoked early buzz and demand for the seasonal novelty.

As more people tried it, the true magic was its balanced and nuanced taste despite the hodgepodge appearance. Rave reviews spread its reputation far and wide, ensuring return visits and new converts everyday. It’s simply a flat-out delicious cookie.

Novelty Factor Of So Many Mix-Ins

Absolutely, the novel premise of trying to identify all 9 mix-ins in one over-the-top cookie piques natural human curiosity. Spotting the unexpected flavors stirs intrigue and sets it apart from basic chocolate chip.

Initial novelty lures patrons to examine the experience for themselves. But once tasted, the true deliciousness of the balanced formula keeps customers dedicated in the long run. Novelty opens the door, but taste forms long lasting loyalty.

Draws People Back To Purchase It Repeatedly

Customers return due to the simple joy of its complicated yet harmonious taste profiles. Each new batch offers the chance to single out evolving hints as flavors mingle differently than prior cookies.

It’s like a box of chocolates—you never know exactly what enticing new blend might emerge. This surprise factor combined with the cookie’s dependable deliciousness makes patrons want to revisit time and time again.

Cookie’s Success Be Duplicated Elsewhere

Other bakeries have tried to replicate Panera’s phenomenon but few achieve the same balanced perfection. It requires culinary skill and testing to marry various ingredients just right. Plus its oversized image further elevates expectations.

While folks enjoy spotting imitators, most feel nothing compares to the real deal from Panera. After confirming alternatives lackluster, it only strengthens loyalty to the original trendsetting kitchen sink treat. The cookie’s special magic stays unique.

Fame Spread Through Word-Of-Mouth Recommendations

Oh yes, chatter about the famous cookie is a constant buzz. Friends share tales of identifying new flavor blends when coworkers discuss latest Culinary creations over lunch.

Now anytime someone visits a Panera just to snap a picture of the humongous cookie to text friends as an inside joke. Word spreads its reputation like wildfire and keeps people stopping by to experience the hype for themselves. Positive word-of-mouth is the ultimate endorsement.

Frequently Asked Question

What is the kitchen sink cookie at Panera?

The kitchen sink cookie at Panera is a hearty treat packed with various ingredients like chocolate chips, oats, pretzels, and more, offering a delightful mix of sweet and salty flavors.

Is the kitchen sink cookie good?

The kitchen sink cookie is delicious and packed with various flavors and textures, making it a delightful treat for any occasion.

What kind of cookies do they have at Panera Bread?

Panera Bread offers a variety of cookies, including chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, and seasonal specials, providing options to satisfy different tastes.

How many calories in a kitchen sink cookie?

A kitchen sink cookie’s calorie count varies widely based on ingredients, typically ranging from 150 to 300 calories per cookie.


The Panera Bread Kitchen Sink Cookie has become a sensation since its creation. What started as a fun seasonal novelty has blossomed into a culinary phenomenon. Through careful baking and balanced ingredients, Panera crafted a cookie that lives up to its delightfully quirky name.

Beneath its heaping piles of mix-ins, lies a treat that tantalizes the taste buds. Each generous bite mingles textures and teasing tastes atop the cakey cookie base. Its combination of components could have easily been a sugary mess, but Panera found magic in this mess. They created a composition that entertains and enchants discerning sweet tooths again and again. 

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